Last ketchup - Asereje

Couple years back in every single time MTV shown up on television channel there always a song that come up for 2 weeks, this song booming at 2002 and this song come in spanish language from las Ketchup which it is title is Asereje. When this song were booming there is some mere speculation among people in Indonesia if this song were like pagan worshiper song that offering someting as spell to the demon, in this video this song were represented by 3 girl do assareje dancing by crossing their hand left to the right and right to left.

                in 2002, there were rumors that The Ketchup Song made references to Satanism, the angel Lucifer (the Devil), the inferno, and the like. The rumor is rooted in the title of the song, "Aserejé", which if broken down supposedly makes reference to a demonic being. The letter 'A' in Spanish means (a); ser (being); and ereje (heresy without the h), meaning "a being of heresy."  Other lyrics like Mira lo que se avecina, a la vuelta de la esquina viene Diego ("Look what's coming up, around the corner comes Diego") supposedly signifies Diego as some kind of messenger. Con la Luna en las pupilas ("With the moon in his pupils") supposedly means Diego can only be seen at night, Y donde más no cabe un alma ("And there, where no soul can be squeezed in") supposedly means hell; Y el DJ que lo conoce toca el himno de las doce ("And the DJ that knows him [the messenger] plays the midnight hymn") is supposedly a reference to Satanic rituals, which usually occur at midnight. Aserejé, ja, de je, de jebe tu de jebere sebiunouva, majabi an de bugui an de buididipi reportedly means "Asejeré" (Spanish: un ser hereje  "a heretic being"), ja (the letters of Jehovah), deje, dejebe tu dejebe (deja tu ser  leave your being),if connected, it reads un ser hereje Jehová deja tu ser, or, "a heretic being Jehovah leave your being." Other lyrics like No es cosa de brujería que lo encuentre to' los días (pecado) por donde voy caminando ("It's not witchcraft the fact that I find him (sinning) everyday wherever I walk through") supposedly make references to a demonic being, just like Diego tiene chulería ("Diego has natural charm"), which some critics say it literally means that the Devil is a beautiful angel.  Finally, the word "Ketchup" ends with "up" (symbolically, heaven) and ends with "chet" (if pronounced quickly, shit), that if they are joined together it literally means that heaven is shit, a direct attack to the religious belief

                for another point of view here some translation of asereje ref to clarify if its really related to any demonic thing as already explained above, The song tells the story of a pimp-like "Afro-gypsy, Rastafari" character named Diego who walks into a crowded nightclub at midnight, and the DJ, as he sees Diego walk in, plays the "twelve-o'clock anthem", "the song he desires most". The chorus is reminiscent of Spanish, but actually is a soramimi of the 1979 rap hit "Rapper's Delight" by The Sugarhill Gang

“I said a hip, hop, the hippie to the hippie
Aserejé ja de jé de jebe
the hip-hip-hop, a you don't stop
tu de jebere sebiunouva (seibiunouva)
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
majabi (majavi) an de bugui
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat
an de buididipí”

                from this information you can overview again is this song were really have demonic thing inside of it or not, but for my personal opinion this song is not related at all to demonic thing because on the discussion about demonic stuff above that related with this song its spelled that spelling ketchup is “chet” and  “up”, for myself i dont see any ‘chet’ word so its all about mis interpretated or miswriting that lead people to chaos to relating this song to demonic stuff. For information Las Ketchup it self is is a Spanish family pop girl group, founded by flamenco producer, Manuel Ruiz. The group is best known for the 2002 song, "The Ketchup Song" (Aserejé), which sold over 7 million singles. The group sold over 12 million copies with the first album, but the second did not achieve the same success.

For you that still curious to exact asereje song lyric here is the lyric.

Mira lo que se avecina
a la vuelta de la esquina
viene Diego rumbeando.
Con la luna en las pupilas
y su traje agua marina
parece de contrabando.

Y donde mas no cabe un alma
alli se mete a darse caña
poseido por el ritmo ragatanga.
Y el dj que lo conoce
toca el himno de las doce
para Diego la cancion mas deseada
Y la baila,y la goza y la canta...

Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí [x3]

No es cosa de brujeria
que lo encuentre tos los dias
por donde voy caminando.
Diego tiene chuleria
y ese punto de alegria
rastafari afrogitano

Y donde mas no cabe un alma
alli se mete a darse caña
poseido por el ritmo ragatanga.
Y el dj que lo conoce
toca el himno de las doce
para Diego la cancion mas deseada
Y la baila,y la goza y la canta...

Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí [x3]

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